Website development, branding

Jewelry site

I created a logo for a private jewelry project and a responsive website in block style.

Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта
Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта

Website creation

Easy to use and easy to administer website for a jewelry project.

15+ webpages

40+ blocks

  • Block structure of the site
  • Adapts to any device
  • Convenient gallery of works, grids and sliders
  • FAQ, application forms, reviews, feedback
  • Интернет-магазин ограненных камней
  • Block structure of the site
  • Adapts to any device
  • Convenient gallery of works, grids and sliders
  • FAQ, application forms, reviews, feedback
  • Интернет-магазин ограненных камней
Responsive design

Responsive website

All the blocks that make up the site interactively adapt to different screen sizes and to all types of mobile devices. 

Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта
Brand design

GemSet brand identity

Logo, corporate colors, icons, pattern, design of packages, boxes and other branding elements.

Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта
Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта

Creation of a logo

The logo design was created taking into account the ease of perception of the company name and a clear connection with the type of activity.

Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта

Brand symbol and icons

The brand symbol, being the most memorable part of the logo, is easily perceived and remembered well.

By the shape of the symbol, we can easily understand which company it belongs to. The viewer does not need an additional letter designation to easily recognize the brand.

Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта

The unique symbol is mainly used by such "giant" brands as Nike and Apple.

Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта
Сайт и айдентика для ювелирного проекта

Corporate pattern

I supplemented the identity with a corporate partner, which can be used as a background on branded packages, boxes and other branded products.